Dick Conflicts
We as people generally love things that are not right for us. You can equate this to foods, or vices, or lifestyles, and of course in relations with one another. Everyone is not always the right person for you. Maybe they're the right body, but they may not have your best interest like others. Many times men are confused by women, for a myriad of reasons. Men always complain about how they can't understand the reasons women do things they do. It's very valid and warranted. But there's always two sides to every conflict. Today I say that yes we men can be troublesome as well. We are a lot simpler... and I like to think we're pretty clear for the most part. But we do throw curve balls. I have defined something I call "Dick Conflicts." A dick conflict is the conflict we men have with committing at times. Men usually have an idea of what they really want and sometimes who they really want. Problems really arise when men have the appetite for multiple women. Me...