
Showing posts from May, 2010

Dick Conflicts

We as people generally love things that are not right for us. You can equate this to foods, or vices, or lifestyles, and of course in relations with one another. Everyone is not always the right person for you. Maybe they're the right body, but they may not have your best interest like others. Many times men are confused by women, for a myriad of reasons. Men always complain about how they can't understand the reasons women do things they do. It's very valid and warranted. But there's always two sides to every conflict. Today I say that yes we men can be troublesome as well. We are a lot simpler... and I like to think we're pretty clear for the most part. But we do throw curve balls. I have defined something I call "Dick Conflicts." A dick conflict is the conflict we men have with committing at times. Men usually have an idea of what they really want and sometimes who they really want. Problems really arise when men have the appetite for multiple women. Me...

Don't Use A Crutch

We all wonder. We all make assumptions. Assumptions are non factual premonitions. All ladies are familiar with the term "Female's Intuition." Basically it's an innate feature ladies have, or that they believe is innate. Basically the intuition states that women have certain feelings or assumptions, almost like a sixth sense. These "intuitions" occur I want to say most times involving a significant other, or an interest. Sometimes there may be reasons given for the assumptions, and sometimes there isn't. Regardless of either it's still an assumption till it's brought forth. Now for women to believe in this "intuition" it's my belief that it should have a high success rate. Being that you put yourself out there as a woman I think you need to make sure facts are straight. Problem... many times facts aren't straight. Action is taken based on "intuition." Why should these "intuitions" be trusted? Are "intuit...

The Agony of Deceit

It is often said that honesty is the best policy. Honesty is really something to be appreciated with age and wisdom. A lot of fibs are told early in the game, they're more like quick fixes. Understand as we grow older these feelings we deal with, with one another become a little more serious and deep. You have to grow more aware and responsible about decisions made about one another. Thinking a step ahead helps because when you look at the bigger picture you always make more sound decisions. It truly pays to be clear and honest about any issue that comes across, as long as the information is warranted. It completely sucks to be lied to or lead on. It pays to nip things in the bud, always. If you are lied to or lead on, or any combination of the two, you usually do feel a feeling of deceit. Depending on the feelings involved you either feel really deceived or maybe just a little bit. The feeling itself feels horrible. You get down on yourself and you pretty much feel like a dumb ass...

This Is A Game

The term "game" as it pertains to dealing with men or women always seems to take a negative connotation. For some reason or another some people like to think that these dealings we have with one another are not a laughing matter. I'm not saying people's feelings should not be considered and be made light of. What I am saying is in every facet there is a form of strategy involved with you and whomever you're interested in. Your mind operates in this fashion. A fashion of wondering what the next move is going to be. You have a goal set, no matter what it is. You also continue to have strategies to attain them. Is this not a game you're playing. Sort of like Chess and the notion of making your next move your best move. When you first meet someone and you're getting to know them your mind is thinking of so many scenarios. You're figuring out exactly how you want to go about things. You have outcomes in mind for every play you make. For instance you'd h...

A Thin Line

I am a strong believer in the phrase "persistence pays off." Persistence brings great success. To be persistent does many things, it shows interest, it shows drive, it shows ambition. It shows you have something in mind you truly want to attain. This is also true when it comes to wanting someone. When you court someone it involves persistence. My question is, is persistence the same thing if the interest is not reciprocated? There's a very thin line between being interested, or being persistent and being a nuisance. Once you are a nuisance you do not want to be heard from in any or a certain capacity. A nuisance only becomes a nuisance by being overly persistent with someone with whom doesn't have the same particular interest. I think to show interest in subtle ways is the best ways to go. Little hints and flirts can get the ball rolling, and you work from there. I think the problem arises when someone begins being "fiendish." It's a huge turnoff and rea...

The Gift of Gab

They say sometimes that you lose all your credibility once you open your mouth. They also say that if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. I agree with both in the appropriate cases. But I always follow the ideas of it's not what you do/say but how you do/say it. This also depends on who's saying it. I strongly believe beyond looks, to really get to know a lady you got to be able to peel away at her. You peel an orange you get to what's sweet, you get to what you really want. Obviously a little work goes into getting to that point. My point is that speaking to people is surely an art. The guys that don't know how to approach or communicate with a woman like the human being she is probably won't see much success. Generally speaking, women look to be comfortable. Your rhetoric and how you deliver it is imperative. I'm not saying everyone is smooth or anything. But there has to be a level of charm involved. A bit of cleverness and creativity...


Ever stay in situations you weren't happy in? I know I sound like an anti-depressant drug commercial but it's very common. I think it's very normal for a lot of women to want to try and amend situations. The feeling of salvaging something worth it is usually the words uttered. What should be understood is that if you take the same approaches, you get the same results. If you think you're saving something...the both of you have to want to save it. That being said, you both have new sacrifices to make. If you both agree to that then I think you may be successful in saving your relationship. The downside is if you are in this alone, you're in trouble. Whenever feelings aren't quite reciprocated there will always be disparity. You have to learn to be honest with yourself. It's not the easiest thing to let something go. On the contrary it's quite hard but it just might be for the best. I feel it's when you stay in a bad situation longer than you should...

Doing The Deed

I write today coming from both sides. As I get older I have fallen in love with the idea of quality over quantity. When I was younger i was real excited about women simply in general, and now I really look for what I call "good performance." Recently speaking to different people I have heard some complaints from them. A few people lately tell me of women who don't give them head "good." I ask them what's wrong with it? They say she's not into it. The funny thing is I have heard the same thing from women over the years as well. They say things such as "he acts like it's a chore," or they say "he's not in tune with my body." I strongly feel that if performing oral aint ya thing then don't do it. If it's not being done right to you, then discreetly provide some constructive criticism. Everyone's different and like's to get pleased differently. If you do intend on "doing the deed" then be enthusiastic ab...

Discretion Is Advised

The phrase "less is more" sometimes can be a great thing in relationships. The reality being that things will not always be good. When things are too good I think you can expect something to go wrong unfortunately. I say that to say this, when things do go wrong I think it's important to handle things in a grown way. We're getting too old for hearsay. Point being, with all these new social outlets, people love to "vent" their frustrations on them. To me its extremely tacky. I tend to be a very covert kind of guy. My thinking is when it comes to any issue with someone else to keep that situation intimate. Inquiring minds always want to know but it's honestly not their business. I now begin to find it challenging to write about different issues without being too redundant. This issue of discretion is really brought about by me growing and just understanding how to deal with frustration, or disappointment. Your best chance of making something better is to t...