The Agony of Deceit

It is often said that honesty is the best policy. Honesty is really something to be appreciated with age and wisdom. A lot of fibs are told early in the game, they're more like quick fixes. Understand as we grow older these feelings we deal with, with one another become a little more serious and deep. You have to grow more aware and responsible about decisions made about one another.

Thinking a step ahead helps because when you look at the bigger picture you always make more sound decisions. It truly pays to be clear and honest about any issue that comes across, as long as the information is warranted. It completely sucks to be lied to or lead on. It pays to nip things in the bud, always.

If you are lied to or lead on, or any combination of the two, you usually do feel a feeling of deceit. Depending on the feelings involved you either feel really deceived or maybe just a little bit. The feeling itself feels horrible. You get down on yourself and you pretty much feel like a dumb ass. You feel fooled.

If you actually have any sense you would know that in any situation of romance you want to limit headache or any feelings of guilt. No one wants to know they had a hand in hurting someone or caused them distress. Your honesty might evoke those feelings. But that person will respect you for your level of integrity. Integrity is a characteristic in people I feel often overlooked. But someone of integrity subconsciously elicits a respect out of you. And at the end of the day that's what it really is all about. Deceit is a unfortunate feeling, one of many in life but it doesn't spell disaster, much as defeat, you come back from it.


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