This Is A Game

The term "game" as it pertains to dealing with men or women always seems to take a negative connotation. For some reason or another some people like to think that these dealings we have with one another are not a laughing matter. I'm not saying people's feelings should not be considered and be made light of. What I am saying is in every facet there is a form of strategy involved with you and whomever you're interested in.

Your mind operates in this fashion. A fashion of wondering what the next move is going to be. You have a goal set, no matter what it is. You also continue to have strategies to attain them. Is this not a game you're playing. Sort of like Chess and the notion of making your next move your best move.

When you first meet someone and you're getting to know them your mind is thinking of so many scenarios. You're figuring out exactly how you want to go about things. You have outcomes in mind for every play you make. For instance you'd hope a date would open intimate conversation and you would hope to get a little closer to a person. Or you may think if you invite someone over for a movie and some cuddling maybe you could cop a feel maybe get a kiss in, who knows. But fact remains you set different scenarios up in order to get a result.

This is eerily reminiscent of a game. You go through different scenarios or challenges in order to get to the next level. The truth of the matter is Relationships with one another is a game, and I think we should think of it as such. Think of it as such, as a means to continue to challenge yourself to be more creative an spontaneous. The Ultimate result of this game should be happiness, and if you not finding it, you should keep on playing.


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