Cut It Out


It's been a while but that's hardly ever a bad thing. It is said that you should speak only to improve the silence, I can assure that's what the deal is for today. Many times I know I don't state popular opinion and that's okay. this is my art and i depict it how I see fit. I have no problem speaking on issues that deal with men needing to be more responsible  in all facets. If any fellas do read my work they probably say in their head "Yo Lil' shut the fuck up man!" That's fine and dandy, that only means there's integrity to what I'm saying. For the guys that do read the blog you'd be glad to know that today's post has not one thing to do with y'all. I'm talking to the ladies today and I have some thoughts to get off my chest. I say this all with love so don't take nothing personal.

I'm going to need young women to get real honest with themselves from here on out. I'm not in no way trying to be a condescending bastard, some things simply need to be said. If you're sexually active I will trust that you understand the great things involved and all the risks that are involved. Do what you do , I have no beef with it whatsoever. What you have to always remain cognizant of is the importance of protecting yourself. If you'd read my stuff long enough, especially while writing for my Alma Mater's paper you've probably read something similar. 

I can't say this any clearer, if you have raw sex you open up for pregnancy. I won't get into disease because that's just another beast. Fact is if you decide you want to be big time and grown and have raw sex with your man, your boo, or whichever you should not be surprised by missed periods. If you're on the pill.... those fail sometimes too. I knew a girl while I was in high school with whom the pill failed twice. You miss days taking them, know the right way to get back on track with them. 

I guess what I'm saying is that no one wants to hear anyone boohoo about a pregnancy due to your lack of precaution. A lot is always made of men having to take initiatives and be responsible. You ladies have to do the same thing. Don't try to live big time out here because "it feels better." If that doesn't pale in comparison in the grand scheme of things then your priorities are all out of whack. There aren't many guys that like pulling out believe me. If it's his choice his joint is staying right in there. Knowing that, I'm still sure that it doesn't deter many women. That's a problem for me, it isn't a good look and I'd think you'd value your future more than that.

This cycle of ill prepared parents has to cease at some point. I alone can't stop it obviously but it sure as hell deserves some light to be shed on it. We won't feel sorry for you when you realize no cramps is really a bad thing. Stay on top of your shit. Be a responsible woman. Live your life healthy and with some kind of sense. don't compromise your peace of  mind with the stress of a prospective unwanted pregnancy. Do your homework early on defense so you won't have to foul (one of my many sports analogies, hope it didn't go over your head). It all begins with you and whatever choice you make, and you alone will have to deal with it, so with that being said no tears if you haven't been taking the proper precaution, just deal with things how you like from that point on.

Be good


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