You're Rushing It

You're rushing it, you really are. Yes my fine ladies I'm speaking to you. After many posts I'm not sure if I have touched on this, but damn it I'm touching on it today (see what I did there?). I want to take time out today to reassure all young ladies that you are not immune to kissing frogs. Guess what guys kiss whatever the equivalent of female frog are too lol. It is what it is quite frankly and too often this week I'm seeing you beautiful people agonizing. At ripe ages ranging between 20-23 complete meltdowns.

Are you tired of the bullshit? I'm sure you are, and guess what anyone else who goes through things are tired as well. We are alive and have to live; live meaning we have to feel the good and the bad that life offers point blank period. There are a few scenarios prevalent this week that caught my eye and simply prompted me to write this.

Giving up on trust- I know when you get taken advantage of or deceived you no longer feel to trust anyone. to trust also means to make oneself vulnerable and once you're hurt  that's pretty impossible initially. The truth is we want to trust, we all want someone special to confide in. My verdict...say what you want but I say when someone says they're not trusting anyone anymore they're simply trying to convince themselves. We're social beings we need to trust someone in this world. If they haven't come along yet then they just haven't. But bare in mind you're young and maybe some people you associate with aren't on your mental level yet. Don't give up on trust, just watch who you give it to.

Not embracing single life- My time being single has done nothing but great things for me as a person. A main reason why I've been single for so long was really because I didn't think i would be the man i wanted to be for my woman. What I mean is that i want to be an active participant in a relationship, i want to listen, support, make you laugh, make you happy and etc. There was a time where I had other demands in terms of school and maybe others can juggle the two, but I was never confident that I could. Being that i didn't juggle things properly being single lol. Nevertheless I worked on me and a man i want to be. I'm someone I want to be, and with that I'm sure I'm someone that another would want to be with. To my ladies being single isn't a sad thing. Take that time to build yourself up even more. I reiterate you're young and have a world of things to offer, channel it somewhere and build your pride. When you have a clear identity of you you'll have a clear identity of what you want.

Beating a dead horse- Know when enough is enough ladies. Too often you all find yourselves in very passionate, serious, toxic, abusive relationships. It may not have to be all of the above (if it is then run) but  understand that you don't have to take shit. At this age what have you invested besides your emotions? I believe you loved once you could love again, I definitely have. You're only young once, and there's better places you can be and less stress to be had elsewhere I promise. As I aforementioned when you have a clear identity of you, you won't stand for what you feel is sub par treatment or respect or whichever. Give yourself more credit, when you do a man will...but it starts with you.

I'm done rambling, I just want you all to turn negatives into positives, if you're reading this then i know you're smart enough to.

Be good


  1. Hope to see you in the chat tomorrow (8pm eastern)! =] We want to debate it out with you!

    <3 FWB

  2. What an honest post and I soooo agree! I know people that are hurt once or twice an immediately want to give up on love. And throw around the "love is overrated" line. I think we have to get back up when we're knocked down so when love does come along we'll know it's the real thing because we've experienced the bad so taking time to reflect when you're single is the best move always. And to the last part about knowing who you are and what you deserve "bravo"! It's really true, and I know others who settle and it kills me because I know they can do better.


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