
"Love is what u make of it and with whom u make it."

Words of a good friend of mine. I'm not too sure if these are his words or some other person but profound nonetheless. Words so profound to me that as soon as i read the quote it sparked me to write this here blog right now. Sometimes you read things and you connect from the gate. I relate to it, and maybe it's because it's saying something I haven't heard before. This quote makes me question my past, and for other singles it may cause you to do the same. For the married or involved people it may help you appreciate your current situation and that's all good too.

What did reading this quote do to me?

It made me feel quite fine that I have loved. I never really regretted whom I loved and what led to all that, but I guess we never can be mad at some reiteration. But what I continue to think about is whom you love for the future. A long time ago I wrote a post called "Patterns" and I spoke about noticing similarities in the people you date and if things haven't been going write with a certain type of person, it's time to start with something totally different. Love is amazing, if you find someone you love that's a beautiful thing but it does matter whom you love with. Does this person feel the same? It's always one thing to say you love someone and another to act as if they really do. I think the point of the quote is basically saying what's love if you're not practicing it and if it's not being honored.

Honoring love to me is based off mutual respect and admiration. Respect will basically guide most of your decisions and the other person's emotions will be put before yours more times than not. If you both honor your feelings you'll read the aforementioned quote and shake your head up and down in that "yes" motion. If you have been in situations in which you feel love wasn't honored you're probably going to agree but shake your head left to right almost as if you learned a new lesson. This quote almost says what you think you already knew, but articulates it simply.

This was just a random thing that struck me, and it helped me in some small way today, hope it does something for you.

How y'all feel about it?


  1. "..what's love if you're not practicing it and if it's not being honored." i love that line. so many times people are so caught up in the drama & stress that they forget what made them fall in love in the first place. they forget to thank God for the wonderful person that has been brought into their life. they forget to remain the wonderful person that their partner fell in love with..

  2. I think this is a great quote and I agree - you're only taking full advantage of love when you appreciate it and honor it. It's nothing if you disregard it. Love is a beautiful emotion/state of mind, whatever you wan to call it and it's great when you can love whole-heartedly and just appreciate being with that person.

  3. Great post. I absolutely love and agree with the quote you mentioned. In every relationship the way you love each other is different than the previous... it's impossible to compare 1 relationship to another. Love is a feeling and an action.


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