Peer Pressure

This post carries a vague title being that the scenario I present you probably wouldn't expect. As usual I'm going to take a different perspective on this one, because it simply baffled me when I was told about this.

I have a female friend who told me about a situation she was having with her boyfriend before i went on my trip. In a nutshell she's been with dude for a month and her man has never made any real advances towards her sexually. Now she has been the aggressor and her man continues to simply say he's not ready and what not. Now of course this causes her to think it's her, and something is wrong with her. I reassured her no man is going to call you his own if they don't like you. At the same token I couldn't grasp this guy being with someone but not wanting to have sex with them yet.

I asked myself is this dude just some endangered species of man that likes to take his time and not have sex with someone soon? It's not a bad thing, but in my mind once I decide to commit, the waiting period for sex is over, I learned enough about you to commit, I should be comfortable enough to have sex. As I analyzed her situation I questioned myself, my mentality and probably the mentality of many others. Why did I think it was so "strange" or negative that this guy wanted to not have sex a month into the relationship? Do I feel obligated to have sex with a girlfriend in a short space of time? do we as a society think that waiting is for losers? Are we all victims of succumbing to this subconscious peer pressure? Well I'm not too sure. I make decisions for me, and i do things because I want to. It could be me and my excitement for someone I like that wouldn't cause me to want to wait a month into being exclusive to get physical. In my head it doesn't make sense. But who cares what makes sense to me?

This guy is doing what he wants just as I do what i want, or you all handle things the way you all choose to. When you really look at it, there isn't too much cause for worry, he just has taken what would seem an almost radical stance that we find it damn near strange. Some women/men couldn't wait the way he has, and maybe that's the one conflict. Your counterpart has to be willing to stick through something like that with you as well. This brings on a whole other issue of where they prioritize sex and how frequently they do it in their lives. This could branch off into many different conversations, but what I will say at the risk of sounding like a broken record is to do what you want to do for you. The right person will dig it.

Be good


  1. It's crazy how we think it's weird that a guy doesn't want to have sex. . .probably because we're so brainwashed into thinking that's all every guy wants. It's kind of like assuming that all girls just have to be in love with someone to have sex. . .another generalization.

    Welcome back from JA, btw! I gave you an award :)

  2. maybe he is waiting because of spiritual reasons or saving himself for marriage. the only strange thing is that they have not had a conversation about it...or he is a homosexual. i have noticed a lot of sisters with EXtremely effeminate dudes who seem completely oblivious to the fact that their man might be gay....thanks for following! i am definitely following back :)))


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