Growth Don't Care!

You have to excuse what may seem like horrible grammar in my title. This was my cheap attempt at being extra conversational. If you ask me... I think i succeeded. Pretty harsh words up top if you ask me and if you're a betting man (or woman) you could bet you're about to find out what I mean by "Growth Don't Care."

Growth don't care is a term I thought of yesterday. I spent the day just relaxing due to the inclement weather. I simply looked up jobs and cars and thought about writing material. I came to a conclusion that no matter what we mature. Even if a person's action doesn't mature, our body's mature and what have you. My point is you can't stop maturation. I am a strong advocate for learning things in life more (not necessarily more school). You have to be open to new thoughts and circumstances.

Growth will take place in ourselves and our loved ones. Depending on the level where your relationship is i.e. dating or marriage may sort of decide how you handle differences as they arise. I am not sure how people would go about dealing with these changes as everyone is different but I can assure you growth and change happens. In the realm of dating or marriage you have to give room for that. When dating that could mean taking breaks (never any shame in that) and in marriage I suppose you're more called to "stick it out" and deal. At the same token you have to come up with game-plans for changes. If someone needs space, then you have to give it or if someone doesn't want a long conversation on some days understand. It's a constant back and forth we'll always have to endure. Today I simply tell you to accept it and deal with it. Growth is natural and doesn't know the bounds of relationships or emotions or anything else. It happens, period. As I have posted before in the past growth demands change and this is just another way of depicting that.

Know who you're involved with and bend where is needed. Do what needs to be done for as much happiness to be achieved as possible because regardless of what you do life will have it's own affect on things. If you don't adapt it's the proverbial beginning of the end...I'm sure no one really wants that ideally. So embrace change and maturation, embrace meeting challenges, and embrace compromise, if you don't then it's "good night" for you.

What you think? Be good Y'all


  1. Great post, it's so true, you can't stop someone from growing, even if it involves growing out of a relationship. Everyone matures at different rates, and at some point if you don't keep up, it may mean the ending of a relationship. A successful relationship is definitely about give and take.

  2. So true, and I agree with you. Growth will have it's way with time.

  3. "Do what needs to be done for as much happiness to be achieved...If you don't adapt it's the proverbial beginning of the end." Very well put and I completely agree. Great post : )


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