Trust Your Offense

As a sports fan like I often say I get a lot of analogies that help me with figuring out things in myself and relationships. I use analogies such as "let the game come to you" or "take what the defense gives you." That pretty much means you let whatever space a person gives you to operate, then you operate within that. So if a girl hugs you, when you see her you can go for a hug, if you get a kiss on the cheek next time you initiate the kiss on the cheek. This cycle can be applied to many things. It's sort of like a "counter punch" mentality. If you don't watch boxing a counter punch is the punch you throw back at your opponent after you've been hit. So you counter punch, if somethings going to go anywhere then there's got to be some reciprocity.

My analogy I coined for today is call "Trust Your Offense." In most sports involving a ball if not all of them, you are in a place of advantage when the ball is in your possession. When you have the ball, or possession, or turn then you control your fate to score pretty much. I wrote a blog maybe a year or year and a half ago where I talked about how setting the bar as a guy for any woman is important. I suppose this is a little spin off of that. Trusting your offense means to put your best foot forward and trust your body of work. But wait Kahlil... why is this important? When a woman leaves for whatever reason it's good to know you put your best foot forward. I believe if you were respectful, treated her right and was always fun to be with and a good listener then maybe you all parted over a real difference in opinion. There's not many things stronger than a woman who feels her thoughts or actions are justified. That pride takes over maybe and she walks. that's only one scenario of many. But I truly believe if a woman even for 5 minutes would ever consider going back to be with you, then you absolutely put your best foot forward. If she has to second guess a decision she made then you my friend did your thing.

We sometimes mope a little bit when someone leaves, which is why I say you have to trust your body of work. I was once asked by a girl "Why don't guys ever want to know how much better or worse the new guy is?" My answer was pretty much that a mindful man will never sweat another guy. When you're interested in someone then you're interested in them not who comes next or who came before. To me that's just added and unnecessary pressure. Do your homework early on defense and try to be the best thing that girl could think of within your parameters of your comfort. If you are sincere and pay attention to detail you will always get the benefit of the doubt. But do not ever question your body of work, if you know for the majority of the time you did right by someone, be comfortable in that worry about yourself and no other man. Make sure you know only you can do what you did. If you stick to this you'll carry yourself a hell of a lot differently and you surely won't stress as much; trust your offense.


  1. Good advice, Kahlil! I think I remember that blog you were talking about writing before. The first paragraph of this is especially good advice - guys need to know when it's okay to make the first move as nerve-wrecking as it might be.



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