Today was my first day of classes of my final semester as an undergraduate. I don't think I was looking to be too intellectually stimulated but believe it or not, I think this spring will be quite the contrary. I walk into my final class of the day which happens to be Human Sexuality. I expect fun conversation and to build more respect and tolerance for others and their preferences. Little did I know I'd garner a higher respect for my professor than I'd ever expect.

My professor began to tell us a little bit about herself she went on to mention we should feel very free in the class and that she's looking for us to help make the class enjoyable. My professor went on to say that she was a sex abuse survivor, and is at a level now where she is comfortable enough with herself to share that and also teach a class regarding sex explicitly. She went on to tell us that she began college, left and then returned as an adult, and is now working on her dissertation to become a Doctor in her field.

I was so blown away at her journey and how much she probably had to persevere. I applaud her honesty and he willingness to seek help whether it was easy or not. She was able to gain tools and plans to really help get her through these hardships, and now she can serve as a mentor and inspiration to someone else. I could not imagine how deep she had to dig in order to focus to get to this point.

This is my feel good story of the day, I encourage you all to keep pushing. This woman has amazed in ways very few professors do. We all have real challenges, but we can kick the challenges' ass it just won't be easy. I've been inspired, I hope you are too, she's strong.


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