
You ever think men and women are more alike than they seem? Sometimes I truly happen to think so. There's times when both men and women cross the lines that society has gotten us accustomed of being bound to. To my fellas, you ever find yourself taken back by the behavior of someone you've been dealing with? Do some of her tendencies seem all too familiar to you in how she embraces you or keeps you at bay? Well i can speak for me, and I know I've definitely seen this scenario before.

It's always thought women shouldn't juggle their men and that it's okay for men to play the field. In playing the field some feelings can be hurt as that's just the nature of the beast. Nevertheless we men are more used to having that freedom and for some reason don't expect to feel any remnant of that lifestyle. Today I tell you "they" are just as bad as we are. When the fellas get together and talk about different people there's usually one that we'd say "she handles her shit like a dude." We can no longer give the benefit of the doubt. People will do what they want when they want. Good guys sometimes get clouded by a woman's behavior mainly because it reminds them so much of themselves. These fellas think "Na there's no way she trying to bullshit me." In fact that just may be the case. Today's lesson is to begin to not put anything past anyone. I understand that this puts one big umbrella over everyone, and that's not right. There's people out there who are genuine so no knock to you. But it's important that we're no longer surprised by the decisions people begin to make. They say you can't bullshit the bullshitter, so in essence if you know the game then you know exactly how it goes.

We mirror each other, women may mirror how they handle men in their life by how we handle women. And men may mirror some of the emotional tendencies a woman may have. Nevertheless no one knows our tendencies better than our own selves. So like they say in the MTA "If you see something, say something." Don't be fooled any longer we're equal, and we have equal shortcomings in different facets. I think it's the theme of the season to notice patterns, so notice the faulty ones and extract them. As we grow we should become more refined as people, and educating yourself in this sense can truly help assist in that department.

What you guys think?


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