Tug of War Part 2

The struggles and triumphs men go through with themselves will manifest itself in their relationships. They will bring the good along with the bad. If they are consciously working towards becoming better people it would make everything else much more easier to deal with.

The struggles a woman has with herself is vastly different than that of a man. She's fighting more than a struggle with herself. She's fighting perceptions of culture and society as a whole. Women in general seemingly fight an uphill battle from birth. They're constantly looking for a respect they feel is rightfully theirs, in which I agree. It's obvious men aren't always aware of the amount of disadvantages women seem to have, even down to the disparity in wages between men and women. Our society continues to maintain a primitive mindset at times. Once again I have to say we have to learn to be more understanding as men. Sometime we just have to "take the L," let shorty vent, some days will just suck.

You now have two sides, you have a man and a woman. Both of which have their own set of problems, or issues. How do we make this work? Sounds like a pretty fucked up situation right? Well it could work, but work doesn't mean perfect by any means. You have to be understanding of each other. You both have to realize you have outside stressors besides the stress you may provide each other at times. You have to be willing to appease some situations with the idea that you should only argue about what's worth arguing over. "Taking the L" brings much humility. It's important sometimes to just let the little fish go being that it'll just end up adding on the miscellaneous that stress you currently as well. Life isn't easy on anyone, not even the richest person, but when someone can at least try and empathize or provide support it's a beautiful thing. The tug of war we all play won't really end, life itself is a tug of war what's important is that you always keep your bearings, that's the only way to win.


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