Stay In Character

I was in thought the other day (as per usual) and I was really thinking about how many of us mean well. I have to speak from a male's perspective because I'm not too sure how women act amongst themselves as many of them seem to not like each other. But I had this idea that a man's inner circle of male friends see exactly who he is all of the time. What I mean is that many times women may think a guy is the worst thing in the world, but for some reason his friends never see that in him.

A man's friends see the good in him when women seem not to. This in turn makes these women upset and leads them to think we're encouraging the negative behavior. Are we? Well unfortunately we do encourage it if we know someone may be in the wrong and we don't tell them. I know it seems like a proverbial male code that's not supposed to be broken. The truth is you have to tell people what they don;t want to hear. Once you voice your opinion that's all you can do. If you sit back and let bad things happen then you're being enabling.

I know I am not stating popular opinion... I have my own advice to take after this as well, but it is the right thing to do. I encourage fellas to be the same person at all times. There's no room in this world for all the fronts. Be who you are at all times. It's not a good look if your friends see your true character but your lady doesn't. No one wants to be "fake" so if you're one of those people heed my words. You want everyone to know you for you, the good and the bad, but you don't ever want to known as dishonest. As a man it's important that you are always honest, and you keep your word. Your character is the foundation of your integrity, you have to keep all of that in mind and in check. Until next time......


  1. Men don't see any wrong in their friends because they don't have to deal with their friend on that relationship level.


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