Getting The Rug Pulled

You guys ever get caught off guard? I figured, it's no fun at all. It's great when things are in your control or at least you have a good barometer of how well a situation is going. It's a pretty strange and hard thing to deal with when you get caught off guard. When you think everything is well in the world and it really isn't you can't help but feel shitty. These kinds of situations is where you try to convince yourself that you're not bothered by it....but you may be fooling everyone but yourself.

When you get the rug pulled from under you you almost feel helpless sometimes. When someone decides they don't want to deal with you in a certain capacity anymore it's almost like a slight feeling of rejection. If it's not a feeling of rejection it at least takes you back. How do you handle such a thing? I'm not too sure to be honest, but I do know that somehow things will turn around. Situations such as this really deserves their own time for you to try and get over. We have to become more comfortable to allow ourselves to be emotionally vulnerable. We're not above any emotion; we're human. If you're angry at a situation embrace it, be angry and move on, it's all a process.

If you find yourself on the other side where you feel something needs to be said, then don;t wait too long. To lead someone to believe all is gravy when it isn't really hurts, it now begins to feel like they were to blame. So use discretion and realize if something's sour voice it early because getting the rug pulled from under you is no kind of fun. Furthermore if it's been done to you then I'm sure you know better. Be smart, and be honest people.....


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