Macho Man?

I want to take a look at something today that I think should be deciphered. I think more men than not believe that they have to be somewhat "tough" for a woman. They may think that she enjoys the aggression. I think some women do enjoy "bad boys" or aggressive guys, and some enjoy it in excess. I have a stronger feeling though that women really just don't want a guy that is a pushover.
They don't want a man that's afraid of confrontation. There's a difference between avoiding confrontation and being afraid of it. A smart person would avoid it, but if confrontation confronts you, and you are the protector, then something's got to give.

Which guy are you? Don't ever get hung up on this tough guy talk. To run around all day looking for problems is pretty asinine. Like Kat Williams said "You gang banging on bacon nigga?" Don't gang bang on bacon please. These women at the end of the day want to be sure of who they're rolling with. They don't need someone who's afraid to argue, or is going to agree with all they say. A little conflict never hurt anybody, as the man you simply have to assert yourself.

Asserting yourself isn't forcing anything on anyone, but it's simply standing your ground. If you stick to your guns on things you're supposed to, it will be respected. The emphasis you should know isn't on the "machismo." As a matter of fact many women hate that whole machismo male mentality. They much rather you acknowledge and be in touch with your emotions. I'm guessing that's so it gives more area to grow together? Sounds about right I suppose. But I write this tonight to just say that you don't ever have to be something you're not. If you're not a thrill seeking tough guy...then fine. But you have to be sure you're not a wimp. Always be assertive.

Some ladies like a man to make decisions, even the ones that may seem little. If you asking to take someone out, then make sure in your mind you have a blueprint of how you want the night to go. If she asks you on a down night what you want to eat, then you make the decision; if she doesn't like it, don't change your mind either. If she comes up with something else then you go along with it. It's in all these little facets in which you show your assertiveness and decisiveness. Those two factors more than make up for being not being a "Macho Man."


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