Dropping the Ball

I've been reading a few blogs lately, and there's been one underlying theme; maturation. For the past few days I've been reading blogs that speak to the subject of dating etiquette for a grown man. I'm no Geoffrey the Butler, but I was soon to be taken back by it. I continue to think we all mature in the same ways, and we just don't. Unfortunately many men didn't have great examples of gentlemen in their lives, and that's not their fault either. But it's our jobs to try and put these guys on.

Now don't get it twisted I will go on record and say ALL women do not deserve that gentlemen like treatment. The ones that do treat that guy with respect and don't force any expectation out of him. A guy sees someone who ain't asking for much but its real chill and respectful...JACKPOT! A smart man... a man that knows better with be that gentleman toward you. The man that isn't that gentleman won't even know the quality before him and he'd fuck it up. Now he may know better and if so, good you don't have to deal with him, and if not it's unfortunate.

When I was 17 (MTV plug,lol) my brother said something very poignant to me that has served me well ever since. he told me "You set the bar that other men after you will follow." Powerful words right? I thought to myself I'm just being myself and I'm setting the bar? COOL! I began to realize how many men drop the ball on good women like WTF? I made it a priority of mine that no matter what the circumstance the women that mattered to me would never forget me, I made sure my shoes are huge to fill. It's a great incentive that a lot of men haven't had access to; it's unfortunate.

Take pride in setting the bar, you have the power to be seen in a light like no other guy, and that's a beautiful thing. If you are respectful,listen, and genuinely care I'm sure you'd be the perfect candidate to be that guy... of course if that's what you long for. As you grow that should be a goal, as you grow so should your approaches and ideas and even rhetoric. You got to stand out, and trust me it seems to be an easy thing to do. As I've said before what's key is paying attention to detail, and remember some little things she wouldn't even think you'd care to remember. It all counts ultimately, if you do these things you couldn't possibly be on shorty's "shit list."


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