
What I discuss today I've probably touched on before in past posts. I wanted to take a look at our experiences while dating and courting. I've said before that men and women simply have different mentalities. Men have a way more laid back mentality towards relationships and women are really geared towards finding "the one" sooner than later. This of course is really a manifestation of the gender roles we're placed in growing up, and how we're raised in society.

With that being said women are normally heard extremely upset and disappointed about the ending of one situation. In a previous post called "Teach Me A Lesson," I discussed making sure you take something away from every situation and use it as a learning experience. Today I want to expand on that. It's kind of the notion of everything happening for a reason. There's a religious philosophy of God putting you through bad situations in order for you to I suppose gain a stronger faith, and make sure you appreciate your blessing. That of course is only my opinion but I think you could apply the same philosophy to relationships.

You're going to get into relationships that really aren't destined to last. Now you don't know that from jump street, but it is what it is. You have to change your mentality towards the whole dating scene. Open your mind to possibilities, and know that all cards are subject to change; nothing is guaranteed. To my ladies know that you're most likely going to have to run the gauntlet, don't let it surprise you. These relationships are lessons, and they are tests, once they finish recognize them,and respect the past as such.

If you think about it you may have ex's that you are still pretty cool with but you're glad you all didn't remain serious. For one reason or another that's meant to be. That person was put in your life as a test and/ or lesson. I really think that if you enter relationships without long term expectations from the start, you give yourself a lot more room to grow and less room for disappointment. It won't be easy to shake an old habit, I mean even some of you all still may bite your nails so you can relate. If your mentality towards relationships change in this facet if not any other thing, you will find yourself less disappointed and even more satisfied. What do you think?


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