Forever Young?

I often try to remind people to enjoy their life that this is still a time in our lives in which we can truly have the least amount of cares. As much as we have issues to handle concerning our development in this world as people and as a working class, we still don't have a world of responsibilities as yet.

We have to have fun. We have to remain lighthearted in this time. I find it very important to be more realistic than anything else. In a conversation with my cousin today we were speaking about women. I posed the question "why do women put so much thought into long terms relationships at this age?" A long quote I know but it is something that continues to irk me. Truth is you have a higher chance of breaking up with someone right now rather than making it work all the way through.

Don't get me wrong the possibility of beating odds is ever so appealing. I'm not one to shoot down any dreams, but I am a realist. Why is so much emphasis put on being in a relationship long term when you don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of? What happened to just enjoying things for what they were, for the moment? To really be thinking about who you want to be with for the rest of your life is a stretch to me. There's nothing wrong with thinking about it, but to really put so much thought into it is just too much.

We haven't even gotten to a point where you have lived on your own, and lived with the person. we have so much room to grow in the next few years and you just don't know how that growth will manifest itself. So everyone relax, we're young, we're educated, and we're focused. Let's be smart and get our lives together first before we sweat having life partners, or breaking up, or even love. There's time for all of this, we won't be young forever, but we are now... enjoy it while it lasts!


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