The Mask

Masks- They vary, masks are of all kinds. If you ever saw the movie The Mask with Jim Carrey you saw a man whom once he put on this mask he turned into a totally different person. Now the mask itself wasn't attractive but this mask gave him a confidence he didn't have with the mask off.

So I guess I use the mask as a metaphor for confidence. Which brings me to my idea of the overuse or abuse of makeup. In my mind people who abuse makeup I truly feel are covering something up, for the most part at least. The immense amounts of makeup they apply give them a confidence they don't have without it.

As far as I know makeup should be used to simply enhance the color that you already possess. There's a big problem when the complexion of your forearms and your face can't agree. Not only does abuse of makeup show maybe a lack in self-esteem but it's just not good for you. When do your pores get a chance to smell the roses??

To anyone that reads this that does abuse makeup or knows someone that does, let them know that their confidence can't fluctuate as makeup is taken on and off. But your confidence has to come from within, knowing and believing in the great things you possess that you can offer the people around you. Confidence is so much less physical than you may think, don't let makeup dictate that. Confidence cannot be masked.


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