All For You

I have a good friend named DJ who I think made a somewhat valid statement. He theorizes that everything we do as people is to gain the affections of the opposite sex. Now I think that saying "everything" we do is a bit extreme. But I think there is some validity to the statement. We subconsciously are conditioned to 1. Do things for our sake and 2. To do things that would attract mates.
So much of what we do is for "sex" according to DJ. How we dress, speak, walk, talk is all related to how we appeal to the opposite sex. Whether you believe it or not the actions do speak louder than anything else.
Some argue that things they do are solely for their own purposes. I think they feel that the thought of them "doing" things for sexual reasons isn't becoming of them. The truth is there should be pride taken in presenting yourself well to the world.
Maybe everything we do isn't for sexual reasons. But so many things we do, have some sort of ulterior motive. I find that men agree more with this than women. But all you have to do is look at your daily activities and be honest with yourself and you just might agree.


  1. I wouldn't go with this 100% like there are some truly selfless people in this world...who don't do things for their sake or to attract a mate for example people of religion such as monks, priests, nuns, wtc....If they can be selfless why can't others?

  2. I agree with DJ's statement... speaking from a woman's prospective I think there are just some things that are looked down upon when a woman says them. So we don't, even if that is the case. If I were to say that I make sure I'm looking fly in the morning so that men notice me... other woman will probably say I'm a hoe... looking for attention by luring men with my looks. Whereas if a man says he gets dressed in the morning so the ladies notice him, his boys will say that he's doing what a man should do. Keeping his options open, and letting woman know that he's the man they need to get to know.


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