Venus vs Mars

This is kind of the premise of my blog itself I guess. We as men and women are totally different in terms how our minds work. Hence the title, at the end of the day I think our priorities are different. Women will always see things in a way where a lot of times a guy would be like "so what." Women love elaboration and emphatically getting points across. Women seem to over think things and anticipate the worst. There may be other things involved but I'm not woman enough to tell you. But as a man I know that we're pretty simple people. NOT stupid or slow. Just simple people. We don't usually read into things as much as a woman does. And what's more important to a woman just isn't as important to a man. It's purely natural as to why this is. What is not natural is maybe the asshole guy you run into. That's a nurturing issue I may divulge at another time. I think as men it wouldn't hurt to try and understand women more where they're coming from. But in hindsight we need a woman to understand hey we're not on the same page on something, let's not get mad, let's try and gain a better understanding of each other. When you make it your business to compromise ideas with each other or situations, it really satiates a lot of other problematic factors you all may have going on. Of course though there is listening involved, which is where I'm sure both men and women could use help in. Don't ever expect for this thing to be perfect. At the end of the day we will always be different from one another. But maybe Men don't have to be as far away from Venus as we are and vice-versa.


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