How Much Is Too Much?

Everyone always seems to be so caught up in not looking too anxious with one another. I guess it's understandable. Some people say for a guy, you shouldn't call the same day you get a number...i can dig that, or if you get the aim,lol which is all too normal now, do you hit em up the same day... i think it's funny. But those situations are minor. But when do things become too much. Being a guy I can tell you my experiences. When someone calls you 5 times in a day and you don't pick'd think mayb they'd just let you rock after maybe 3 lol. OR, you can have someone called you a bunch of times during the day, you get on the phone, and then they just don't speak, but they insist on calling you back to i don't know....hear the crickets maybe? Maybe it's too much when the questioning know why didn't you call back, or maybe you didn't save the number and you hear...ohhh you talk to so many people you can't remember who this is,lol like lady calm down. where do we draw the line, how do people not come on too strong? I say just relax and be cool...maybe everyone can't do that(I'm using alot of dots today huh). At the nd of the day you want to be inviting, and you want your counterpart to feel comfortable, with that said you have to treat your situation that way and govern yourself accordingly. Some people want to be clled 4 times a day, and some don't lol figure it out and do whatever works for you. But you're doing too much once you cross the limits you set, what do you all think?


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