Father's Day

I just now realized it's father's day. For the longest time now this day is met just like any other. I've grown so used to not having a father around. But what I usually do on this day is reflect on those who took his position and filled it to a "T". I have been extremely fortunate and blessed to have a family that cares for me. I owe so much of who I am and the decisions I make to my family. To my brother and to my cousins and my uncles who I consider brothers, they all have made life easier for me without my father. Without them I'd probably be a dick,lol. So many values instilled in me by them, I'm ever so grateful for them making my life enjoyable and worth something. It's the kind of friends they are to me that I try to be to my friends. And although I'm using words, I honestly can't articulate my gratitude to yall....all the mushy shit aside though lol HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!


  1. I agree 100% primo. I think we are very blessed to have all of the Tio's we have had. We've both seen what we could have turned out like if we didnt have such loving positive influences in our lives.

    JDF : )


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