The Rollercoaster of Love Part 3- Crash Landing?

The title of this post depends on one of the two people in the relationship. You can either be respectful and upfront and end things amicable, while still leaving with some dignity, or you might take a cowards way out and deceive someone. Either way there are some subtle signs when you realize things aren't quite right. Things aren't the way things used to be. In my experience at least I realize that the conversations change. Your significant other seems to be on the defensive on some things a little more, and you're wondering what the hell is the problem. Maybe they want to tell you something they just don't know how to articulate it. Maybe they're tired of feeling obligated to speak to you. I think it's a combination. A lot of how someone severs ties with you says so much about their character and where they prioritize you and your emotions. I think anything short of a amicable or respectful ending to a relationship is selfish, granted you didn't do anythi...