Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last?

How nice is too nice? I think this is an important question for women to know and for men to find out. I've been told myself on a few occassions that I was "too nice," what the hell does that mean? I think being nice is being mistaken for being soft. I feel my "niceness" stems from growing up and not seeing my mother treated the right way. I always told myself I'd never try to hurt any woman, at least intentionally. I am usually somewhat offended when I hear someone say that someone's too nice. I think they're genuinely being the way they feel they should be. I always pride myself on being a guy that solidifies a woman's belief that good men still do exist. I'd like to flip things and just say maybe some women aren't ready to be treated nicely because it's not what they're used to. If you don't know how to deal with something for the first time you may shut it downwhen you first experience it. I personally wouldn't change. You have to be nice to all that are worthy of it, be particular with who you go the extra mile for but always stay true to yourself. Judging from my history I can attest that nice guys don't finish last, we do real well when it comes to the ladies that do appreciate us na meen. how yall feel?


  1. okay first of all theres no such thing as being too nice. and i think you're right. if a woman thinks you're being "too nice" then she must not be used to people being nice to her.


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