
Showing posts from January, 2009

Why The Mood Is Everything.

Intimacy can come about from a variety of situations. Different circumstances shape our everyday activities. In order for a successful moment or period of intimacy, there are a few factors left to consider. Some of these I will Divulge now : 1. Watch what you say. Too many times you can simply say something dumb, and ha panties go right back up. make sure you speak in the context of the moment. If you are genuinely funny then you should know the rigt jokes to make, that are tailored to your personality. but the most fuck ups occur from simply someone sayin some shit to kill the mood. 2. In order to keep the mood intimate, and special, you gotta keep it sexy. As a guy you gotta be smooth and patient. you being reluctant will mess up your flow, and she will sense it. be smooth but assertive, show a lady that you are a man and you know how to handle your situation. 3. To enhance your mood, besides lighting and othe areas of the environment, you wanna have the right type of music. The rig...

Mixed Emotions

So umm I'm sitting home and thinking damn, I'm about to start my spring semester. The firs one went way too fast. I don't know if I'm ready to be out the college scene so quick, I arguably had my best semester thus far in an overall sense. I feel like I'm getting the most out of everything. I met so many cool people, people i always hope to keep around me. But the next thing you know this thing is about to be over... granted I ge my credits situation together soon,lol. I sit in the house wanting my extra week of school I've had the last two years, but then again I'm ready to be back for all reasons other than academics,lol. Then you have my mind goin crazy with all types of stuff, got myself wondering what's wrong with me. Not to mention I've grown highly lazy in two weeks and hate the thought of having to pack my things back up,lol but these things must be done. BTW is anyone else upset that Circuit City has gone outta business?? I really loved that...


I'm currently on my Christmas break and it's dawning on me now more than ever how things change as i grow, or as we all grow. Christmas definitely isn't the adrenaline rushing holiday it once was to me, but it is now it's preceding memories that keep me content. When i Was younger December 26th meant Kwanzaa time at my aunt's house, and now everyone is old n doing different things, and it's jus something i miss. But I know one thing for a fact that'll never change about the holidays to me. These are the new relationships i've built with friends, and the old ones i maintain, the time spent with them, and the time spent with my family are priceless. it'd become something i kinda live for. that's my new adrenaline rush, gifts are real cool, but its good times and lessons that last a lifetime., get mad at your friends and fam, it's normal, but appreciate the good things they bring into all of our lives as well, what are some of your favorite mome...

I Made It

My name is Kahlil, I finally decided to start a blog...why not right? just wanted to write something so that the page would look somewhat comeplete,lol. I'm a big feedback guy, so when i do write feel free to leave whatever comments you like, there is no negative comment in the doctor's office, only opinions. i look forward to hearing thoughts and feelings, and i hope i grow you all do too through our bloggy relationship?? stay tuned.