
I can assure you that this is not a post about wrestling, but this photo evokes a feeling that I want this post to have. This photo is a promotional picture of "Triple H" in his early career. The character he portrayed was that of a well off man who had all the world's amenities at his beckon call. They nicknamed him the blueblood snob and people hated him because of the way he looked down on others. What relevance does this have to today's post? Well I have a need to think that there is a certain population of women that stick their nose up at another population of women. I have divided these groups of women between celibate women and non celibate women. Now a lot of my commentary may seem skewed a bit toward non celibate women but as I elaborate you will begin to see why. Many times I have thoughts that I'd like to write out but I can't find the words to elaborate on them. usually an event or conversation happens and in that moment I have all the words ...