SMH (Scratching My Head)

I continue to learn a lot through my experiences with people, and specifically women. Seems like I daily become a little more understanding and willing to see another view other than my own. I'll never ever have all the right answers and I hope none of us are expected to. But in that there's a growth and an acceptance of that reality. With that said it seems the older I get, just when I think I have some answers, women change the question. Lately I've just been scratching my head trying to put a pin point on how I've been feeling, and why I've been feeling certain ways. You all ever just get thrown a curve ball sometimes? I'm not saying it's a bad thing that's going on, but you do end up getting responses or predicaments in which you just weren't expecting. After the fact you try to make something of it all, but all the pieces just don't add up. That's pretty annoying right? Well it is for me, as an only child I have spent a lot of time in my...