A New Species of Snakes- The Woman

We males tend to get a really bad rap alot of the time. We tend to be called dogs, pigs, assholes you name it. We have a new phenomenon in my circle that we call snaking. What is snaking you ask? Snaking generally revolves around someone making moves without others knowing. Someone's always trying to find out who's snaking. Snaking also can conjure up some negative connotations. For instance, if you ever accuse a woman of snaking, she may be taken back or take some offense to it. I can assure you tht once you master the art of snaking it will treat you well. But some women think being labeled a snake means maybe being labeled as a pop. Well..... it varies, and this is where good ol' doubsle standards we as a society construct kick in. Now a woman can snake and thats fine, but when she becomes comfortable being a snake..... then she starts snaking with multiple guys. Funny thing is is she snaking if others still know?lol guess she defeate3d the purpose after all. But just a...