More Than Music: How I Will Remember Nipsey Hussle

Courtesy: picture-alliance/MediaPunch/J.Palmer I was about 9 years old when Biggie was shot and killed. I can remember " Hypnotize " being a joint that was in rotation on Hot 97 constantly before his murder. Through that song I learned of Biggie and due to the hook, I had heard everything I needed to once the news broke. Still, I had no idea what the enormity of his death meant to society, hip-hop culture, and my native Brooklyn as well. That Sunday morning when I learned of the news, Brooklyn was silent. At 9 years old there just was no way for me to bring context to such an event. Twenty-one years later, during the same month of Biggie's death, we lose Nipsey Hussle . Nipsey was on an ascent. Truth be told, all too often we lose those with such a light much too soon. Now to be completely honest with you all, until " Victory Lap" I really hadn't listened to any of Nipsey's music. It just so happened that I was hearing nothing but good ...